Children's Ministries

Here at Pathway Bible Church we have a wonderful team of trained and vetted volunteers who love to teach your children about God’s amazing love for us in Jesus Christ! We believe that it takes a whole community of faith to raise a child and that basic philosophy is built into why we do children’s ministry!
Kids Worship

Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14)

Children are an integral part of our community at Pathway Bible Church! It is so important for children to be a part of corporate worship. They worship upstairs with adults for the first half of the service. Then, after receiving a blessing for the church, kids in pre-school through grades 6 go downstairs for another time of worship and age appropriate learning!

Safe Sign In

Every family has the right to be able to worship knowing that they are in a secure environment. When you come to worship at Pathway Bible Church, you will be greeted by one of our great Children’s Ministry volunteers to sign-in you child. It is also important for you to know that all of our volunteers have received program related training and undergo regular background checks.

Children & Worship
For Children ages 3-7 years of age, and potty trained

We use the Young Children & Worship curriculum written by Sonja M Steward and Jerome W. Berryman. It is a similar approach to montesorri education. And invites young children to experience and explore the Biblical Narrative.

Once the children come downstairs, they enter the “Worship Centre” where they are greeted by our friendly and loving “host”. The Host will ask them to quiet their bodies, remove their shoes and enter a special place of worship. Inside the classroom, the Story-Teller is waiting for them. The Story-Teller tells many wonderful Bible Stories using wooden figures and hands-on props. The children are invited to explore the stories and ask questions about the Bible. Then they are welcome to a time of free-play with Bible story materials and we enjoy a feast (a healthy- prepared snack).

When the service is finished, parents must pick up their children. Only Parents, or an “Approve Alternate Pick-up” is allowed to remove a child from the Worship Centre.

Sunday School
For Children grades 2-6

Our Sunday School program uses the Gospel Project curriculum which teaches the whole Bible over the course of 4 years.

Each week children sing songs, read the Bible, memorize Scripture and do amazing activity sheets that help them learn about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins. In all these things, it is our goal to ensure that kids know they have a safe place of belonging in the community of faith.

All Children in Sunday School are required to be signed in. Older kids (grades 4+) are dismissed after the service and do not require a sign-out. Younger kids, if not accompanied by an older sibling need to be signed out by their parent or an “Approved Alternate Pick-up”.