
All Volunteers at Pathway Bible Church have been approved by the consistory of Pathway Bible Church to hold their respective volunteer positions. We strive to provide you with a warm and welcoming atmosphere while doing our due diligence to ensure that Pathway Bible Church is a safe and accessible environment.


All volunteers who are in authority or responsibility over any and all vulnerable persons have received a Police Check complete with a vulnerable persons sector. Volunteers are trained and work in pairs or more to provide accountability. We also provide hall monitors to ensure the safety of children and youth during programs and Sunday Service


Our volunteers have received training in regards to Accessibility in Ontario (AODA) to provide the greatest possible customer service for persons with disabilities. Our facility is accessible complete with a wheelchair ramp and elevator. We are currently waiting on the installation of a wheelchair button on our front door. In the meantime, there is always a greeter available during Sunday Worship to open the door for those who require assistance.

VOLUNTEERS at Pathway Bible Church

If you need to update your police check, please visit the website below to do so online! https://policesolutions.ca/checks/services/niagara/

Privacy Policy

Pathway Bible Church is committed to protecting your right to privacy. The personal information you share with Pathway Bible Church will be used to support the ministry of the church. This includes:

  • Safety and security
  • Relationship building
  • Ministry involvement as volunteer
  • Giving activities
  • Research, planning and education
  • Program and service registration
  • Assess participant needs and eligibility
  • Employment relations
  • Legal, regulatory and contractual requirements

Pathway Bible Church collects personal information used for the purposes of church membership and participation in programs and services. We only collect information from you. Pathway Bible Church will not collect or record personal information about you except that which is provided directly by you or a member of your household.

There are safeguards in place that protect the privacy of you and others involved with Pathway Bible Church. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement.

Only authorized persons have access to your information. Pathway Bible Church assumes implied consent for collection, use and disclosure of personal information as it relates to your involvement. We monitor our compliance with applicable privacy legislation. We appreciate your assistance in making sure your information is up to date.

We respect your rights. You have the following rights related to the privacy of your personal information:

  • to ask if we are keeping any personal information about you, and to see that information;
  • to know how we collected that information;
  • to know how it is being used; and
  • to know to whom it may have been disclosed;
  • to request correction or removal of your information from our records; and
  • to voice concerns about any privacy-related incident you experience with Pathway Bible Church.

If you have any questions or concerns on the subject of our privacy policy, please contact our Privacy Officer via email or

Attn: Privacy Officer
Pathway Bible Church
1136 Vansickle Road North
St. Catharines, ON
L2S 2Z3
[email protected]


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

Church Policy on Disablities

Feedback Form

For more information about AODA click here